Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol
Additional Learning Needs
Adroddiad ESTYN Report
The support for pupils with ALN is a strength of the school.
ESTYN Inspection, April 2024
They prepare a range of worthwhile tasks and activities to engage pupils’ interest effectively, adapting approaches to meet the needs of pupils with ALN where appropriate.
ESTYN Inspection, April 2024
Staff arrange bespoke careers guidance for pupils with ALN and the school supports pupils’ transition to adulthood, training, and work.
Estyn Inspection, April 2024
Staff make appropriate use of one-page profiles which identify useful ways to support pupils with ALN.
ESTYN Inspection, April 2024
Pupils’ individual development plans include detailed targets to support them to make progress.
ESTYN Inspection, April 2024
Leaders pay due regard to addressing national priorities, particularly in relation to ALN reform where there has been good progress in implementing the requirements.
ESTYN Inspection, April 2024
Beth yw ADY?
Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol. Cliciwch ‘Dysgu Mwy’ am fwy o wybodaeth.
Cynllun Datblygu Unigol
Beth yw CDU? Beth y cynnwys y CDU? Pwy sydd â hawl i GDU? Beth sy’n digwydd yn ystod cyfarfod ac adolygiad CDU?
Darpariaeth ac Ymyraethau
Pa ddarpariaeth sydd ar gael yn Ysgol Bro Caereinion? Beth yw’r gwahanol lefelau o ddarpariaeth sydd ar gael?
Mae gennym amrywiaeth o ymyraethau ar gael i ddisgyblion.
Cefnogaeth Pellach
Pa gefnogaeth pellach sydd ar gael i ddisgyblion a theuluoedd yn Ysgol Bro Caereinion?
Trefniadau Mynediad Arholiadau
Pa drefniadau sydd ar gael? Sut mae disgyblion yn cael mynediad at rhain?
Cefnogaeth Cartref
Gwybodaeth am sut yr allech chi gefnogi’ch plentyn cartref.
What is ALN?
Additiona Learning Needs. Click ‘Learn More’ for more information
Individual Development Plans
What is an IDP? What’s contained with in an IDP? Who is entitled to an IDP? What happens during an IDP meeting and review?
Provision and Interventions
What provision is available at Ysgol Bro Caereinion? What are the different levels of provision which are available?
Here at Ysgol Bro Caereinion we have access to a variety of interventions.
Further Support
What further support is available to pupils and families at Ysgol Bro Caereinion?
Exam Access Arrangements
What Exam Access Arrangements are available? How do pupils access these arrangements?
Support at home
Information on how you can support your child/young person at home.
Cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (CADY)
Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo)
Mr. Jenkins
Ebost / Email
Ffôn / Phone
01938 810888